
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Over one million safe Galaxy Note7 units are already in the wild

Over one million safe Galaxy Note7 units are already in the wild

Right around one month after its official declaration with respect to the worldwide review of all Galaxy Note7 units sold, Samsung is today uncovering that its substitution program has been going entirely well. Actually, more than one million safe Note7 handsets have officially made it into the wild, as trades for flame inclined handsets that individuals had bought. 

The extent of Samsung's worldwide willful review of Note7s has been evaluated at around 2.5 million units, so there's still an approach before each and every Note7 out there is of the protected kind. Still, Samsung hopes to have supplanted 80% of the flawed units in South Korea by Saturday. 

After a critical bit of (or all) flame inclined phablets have been swapped for new and safe ones, Samsung will continue offers of the Note7 over the world. So far this has happened in the US, and it will happen in South Korea soon, and also in Europe from October 28

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